First let me thank you for buying one of our fine acoustic electric classical guitars. We are very proud of their sound and playability.
We hope that you get much enjoyment from playing it.
I have an interesting story to tell about Buzz and Robben. Just before the Namm Show Robben and Buzz just happened to come into my shop at the same time. Evidently they were both going to be playing as featured artists at the Namm show. They went into my sound test room and started to jam.
All the employess and customers were treated to a very memorable and very private concert.
Here is a photo for you.
Best regards

John Carruthers 
Wednesday, June 19, 2002 

 最初に貴方が私達の素晴らしいacoustic electricを御購入頂いた事にお礼を言 わせてください。我々はこのサウンドとプレイヤビリティに誇りに思っています。 貴方がこれをプレイしていっぱい楽しんで頂ける事を望んでいます。



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